Hard Carbonated Water // #83
This is NOT another seltzer show. We said the last one was the last one we would ever do. This is a carbonated hard water show and boy did we drink a lot of em. 17 to be exact….From super pedestrian stuff like White Claw all the way to some crazy green gak looking shit we ran the rail. We also called AB InBev and actually got through to a really nice lady to talk about their cocktail hour Bud Light Seltzers. Was she as cool as Jeff from Lagunitas? You’ll have to tune in to find out!
Seltzers we drank on the show:
Coconut Limeade by Cigar City Brewing
Peach Limeade by Cigar City Brewing
Cherry Limeade by Cigar City Brewing
Mango Limeade by Cigar City Brewing
Strawberry Melon Fizz by Truly Hard Seltzer
Kiwi Mojito Style by Truly Hard Seltzer
Pina Colada Style by Truly Hard Seltzer
Bud Light Seltzer Cocktail Hour Tropical Punch by AB InBev
Bud Light Seltzer Cocktail Hour Strawberry Daiquiri by AB InBev
Bud Light Seltzer Cocktail Hour Lime Margarita by AB InBev
Bud Light Seltzer Cocktail Hour Watermelon Mojito by AB InBev
Surf Citrus Yuzu Smash by White Claw
Surf Wildberry Açaí Smash by White Claw
Surf Tropical Pomelo Smash by White Claw
Surf Watermelon Lime Smash by White Claw
Nood Wooter Pineapple Coconut And Agave Punch by Oozlefinch Beers & Blending
Slushy Thing #3 by Illuminated Brew Works
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