Author: Josh
Beers You Would Bring To Christmas // #123
Better late than never eh? This episode the gang sits down to discuss things like, beers we would bring to Christmas, should you be cellaring beer any more, what is the perfect beer in terms of drinking situation and why is Arizona Tea not .99 cents any more. Tune in, turn on and drop out. Cheers!
Pardon Our Dust
Hi friends! As you can see, our website was gone, but now we are back and are now a .com! We’re working on getting the show list back up here […]
Diet Spaghetts // #122
We're on a roll, but decided to take it easy this week. We didn't want to get too drunk off of spaghetts so we decided to try them with Miller High Life Light. That's a thing you might ask? It is indeed. Did Miller High Life really need a light version? Did we do Dads in the garage? Find out this week on Shift Beers!
The Final Last Seltzer Show Ever V3 N/A Edition // #121
Ok, we lied….last episode wasn’t the last one, but we swear this is the last seltzer show we ever do….literally never again will we ever do another seltzer show….and a N/A one at that.
4th Anniversary: Last Show Ever // #120
Welcome to our annual Shift Beers show that also happens to be our 4th anniversary! If you are still here we love you, if not….well eff you. For this show the gang brought large format beers because 40s are apparently not a thing any more. This is our last show ever so you better enjoy it. Peace!
Malort Years Eve // #119
We ask ourselves sometimes why we do it...we do it for you! This episode the gang tried a bunch of Malort variants from Chicago and we also infused 2 of our very own bottles. One candy cane and one Slim Jim. Macho Man should be rolling over in his grave right now. Happy New Years fam! It's all downhill from here for us.
Man The Harpoons! // #118
Yeah, we messed up. We recorded this episode like 2 months ago and here we are...It's December and the year is almost over. Anyways, this show we have a little treat. We have one whale from the west coast and one whale from the east coast. Which beer comes out on top? Listen in and see! We have beers provided by the wonderful Beth who had just got back from a trip to Colorado as well as our friends David and Matt!
We’re Three! // #117
It's been a whiiiiile. We couldn't let our 3rd birthday pass up without a show! Chris and Josh hold down the fort while Bryan gets married and Beth is in Colorado. AND we have a bonus guest! This show we throw it back to the OG theme we do about this time every year, Oktoberfest beers! Thank you all for supporting the show for 3 years even though we've been slacking this year.
Summer Bangers Vol 2 // #116
It's that time again. The summer heat is here and it's time to cool down with some summer bangers! Chris, Bryan and Josh bring some of their current summer bangers to share with the class. We also forgot cups so we just drank full beers. We also invited Chris's neighbor onto the show because he was mowing the lawn so what better way to get him to stop than offer him a beer and a microphone!? Crack open a beer and enjoy Summer Banger Vol 2!
Chris’s Favorite Show //#115
Welcome to another installment of the greatest show on Earth! This one is Chris's favorite show where the gang tries to bring the beer that Chris likes the best. Some went with the freshest IPA they could find, others went for the heart. See who came out on top!